Disease Transmission and Co-Mingling Animals

One of the main diseases that I feel is impacting dairies has been Salmonella, especially S. Heidelberg. There is no known treatment as it seems to be resistant to a number of antimicrobial products. Therefore, any infected calves should receive supportive care, always continue to feed milk and provide electrolyte therapy. So, lets discuss how […]
Cold Weather Is On the Way!

Cold weather and supportive care to the newborn calf. Wow, how did we get to October already? Seems like life is picking up speed every year as I get older so here we are again talking cold weather and supportive care to the newborn calf. If we talk about the thermoneutral zone which refers to […]
Calf Basics on Nutrition

If you ever heard one of my presentations, I am a firm believer in the 6C’s of Calf Raising. I stand firm on these fundamentals. Obviously, we are only touching on the nutrition portion of the 6C’s in this month’s blog. After the first few feedings of Colostrum, we start to focus on our calves […]
Let’s Talk Heat Stress in Calves

Whether your calves are in hutches, individual pens or a group setting. Calves will experience heat stress this summer. High temperatures can be strenuous to calves, even more than cold temperatures. When the temperatures gets above 73°F, calves can experience heat stress. The humidity level also plays a role in heat stress, the higher the humidity, […]
Measuring Bacteria Levels in The Milk We Feed Our Calves

So you may ask, why this topic? First, you can’t measure what you don’t know. If we feed milk that may be contaminated with bacteria, we could potentially set our calves up for severe scour days or even death. We need to measure the amount of bacteria that made it through the pasteurization (PA) cycle […]
Bio Security and Young Calves

Bio security and calves can be a tough one, as who doesn’t like playing with baby calves on a dairy farm? It can go multiple directions when discussing biosecurity, do you invite a class room of elementary students out for a visit or it can be employees moving from barn to barn. I am going to […]
Fly Control and Sanitation Basics

Let’s talk FLY CONTROL. Why in March you ask, because this is when we need to get a grip on it, before it actually gets started. So, lets start by asking ourselves, did last year’s fly control program work? How did you measure that process, or did you do like I did and evaluate it […]
Effective Vaccinating for Winter Months

So how many of us take added precautions with our vaccines in both summer and winter? I know we try at our place; I have a cooler with ice packs in the summer for keeping the vaccines cool but how about in the winter months? Freezing becomes the next biggest challenge of keeping your vaccines […]
Dehorning Calves

Holy cow has the weather changed the past few weeks. Cooler nights and very pleasant daytime temperatures. This month I would like to touch on DEHORNING calves. When is the appropriate time and method to use? I have probably done and have experience with all methods of dehorning calves. Obviously the “Yeh Hay “moment is […]
Summer Heat and the Effects it Has On Calves

So, have you ever heard the phrase “Is It HOT Enough For Ya”? Well let’s begin by saying that June has started off a bit warmer than usual. Let’s ask the question how are your calves feeling and are they staying hydrated in this heat? Are your employees changing their schedules to accommodate cooler feeding times […]