So What Kind of Leader are You?
So I look at myself and am always analyzing what I could do better when managing both calves and people. I certainly do not have all the answers.
So I look at myself and am always analyzing what I could do better when managing both calves and people. I certainly do not have all the answers. It starts with me first. I can be the one to change and have a positive attitude or you can have a negative attitude which drastically effects the calf care team. I personally prefer to have my glass ½ full and have an I can attitude, those attitudes become addictive to those around you.
If I have calves that are challenging me and I can’t seem to find the answers I get frustrated very quickly. Same with people. I can be very happy and forgiving but when I need to address an issue, I tend to walk away from confrontation. However, I am not completely afraid to hit it head on if I need to.
Have you ever taken a personality trait test. It’s very interesting to say the least. It tells you how you interact with people and the trait you have that will likely make you succeed in your work place.
Do you give directions and then walk away or do you explain the whys behind the direction? When doing farm audits I often tend to find employees are not given the whys or the tools needed to accomplish the task. Lets make sure they are not set up to fail. Do you also allow them to be a leader on your team. Giving them authority can truly empower your operation to leap to the next level of management. Provided we have the correct people in place.
I am attaching a diagram of the Profile traits, see how you fit in to your own farm team! -Minnie