January 2020! A New Year, a New Blog Season…
The last few months we have focused on Colostrum and the impact it has on your newborn calf.
Lets talk about the “Liquid Gold” Colostrum and take home ideas for strengthening colostrum management.
- Keep good records on colostrum feeding – timing, quantity, quality, periodic checks on bacteria counts. Remember the freezing / thawing process.
- Goals: first feeding of 4 quarts of high quality, clean colostrum within first 4 hours of life (large breeds).
- Adapt farm protocols to allow colostrum collection as soon as the dam is standing post calving [highest quality colostrum available].
- Adapt farm protocols to permit feeding of colostrum within 30 minutes after it is collected (assumes adequate volume and quality). What’s your back up plan?
- Adapt farm protocols to permit collection of second and subsequent milking’s (often-called transition milk) and prompt feeding to newborn calves.
Happy New Year…..
Also, if you have questions regarding your calf program or well being of your animals, please reach out and I will address it in a future blog.